
Showing posts from April, 2020

Ikoria: Week 0 Standard Brews!

Introduction Merry spoiler Christmas!! It's amazing how much more exciting magic is around set release.. Ikoria is just around the corner and what a wild set it is. I'll be honest. I'm less excited for Ikoria than I was for Theros, but I'm still pumped. Theros had so many cards that looked like they could define new archetypes, that was exciting for the prospective brewer. This set has less of those cards, but the ceiling on their power level is higher. In the end, not many Theros cards ended up making an impact. However, we had a few weeks of wild brews and interesting exploration before Nissa/Uro put a nail in that fun. Doom Foretold, Mono Black, Mono White, Esper Midrange , UW control and WG enchantments were everywhere at the start and now are no where to be seen. Ikoria certainly has some goodies, but how many of them will be able to crack into top tier gameplay? In my opinion, there are some cards that have potential to completely turn the format on it...