
Showing posts from September, 2019

Throne of Eldraine Standard: First Impressions

Wow! Is this set powerful or what! I'm beginning to believe that this format is MORE powerful than the last format. Throne of Eldraine has more power than dominaria/ixalan/m19 combined! Wanted to share my initial thoughts of some of my questions/predictions of the last article So, What are my first impression of best/most warping cards of the format? Is the best agro deck mono Red? Is the top of the format all elemental/field of the dead decks? Most warping/powerful cards in Throne of Eldraine 1. Oko, Thief of crowns , is absurd. It may be the most powerful card in standard. I honestly have no idea how they decided to give it so much loyalty? It's too early to call it, but my gut tells me this card was a major design mistake and even has a chance of being banned. Regardless, It will certainly warp the format. How Oko warps the format: -You cannot attack it profitably unless you are wa

Throne of Eldraine Standard! Preliminary thoughts

5 Questions,  5 Predictions,  8 Decklists Ahhh, my favourite time of the magic season! New standard starts in 5 days on Arena! Breaking down formats is what I enjoy most of the game, so and let's dive right into my initial thoughts on the format and how I plan to get an edge in the early upcoming standard season. First off, initially it's important not to spend too much time hammering out a perfect decklist before you play. Too many surprises and too many shifts will happen. What's important at first is to learn as much as you can about a format. What are the most powerful interactions? What are the best stand alone cards in the format? What restrictions does the mana put on deckbuilding? What are the fastest decks in the format? If you are trying to win in the first couple weeks , being proactive is generally the right strategy. In a week 1 tournament, don't get caught in the middle of this format. Either go over the top (with an anti-agro sideboard) or go un