October 26th Arena Standard MCQ - Bant Ramp

All right , all right ,all right.. Let's get ready to MCQ!

I've played a fair bit of magic this week trying to wrap my head around the consequences of the recent field of the dead ban. It was widely held consensus that Food decks were the second best if not the best deck of the format prior to this banning, with no archetype clearly in 3rd place.

Now that the #1 Boogeyman has dethroned, all targets will be on Food. What decks can beat it? What decks are unplayable now? Just how good is the deck? Can it withstand the attention?

This is my solution to the current format (borrowed the idea from a 5-0 daily list recently)

Bant Ramp

My reasoning for choosing the deck is the following -

- Oko decks are by far the best deck in a vacuum in the format. Pitted against a random brew they will win more than any other deck by a large margin.

-I have a lot of experience piloting UGx food decks. (This is huge)

-All the good players know UG food is the consensus best strategy, so many will try to target it and even more will play it.

-The "playable" decks that beat Simic Food are Temur Reclamation, GW adventures, all-in counter spell tempo decks and Esper Doom foretold. There's likely some sort of Gates deck built to go way over the top of the format that is also favoured.

- None of those decks crush ALL variants of UG. UG can tweak some numbers and splash another color to turn some bad matchups into even or slightly favourable matchups... All without sacrificing the inherent power of the deck. However, it cannot defend against ALL the potential bad matchups  at once.

- The majority of decks that beat UG food are "bad decks" in my opinion... In that they don't have a high win % in an open metagame like a huge grand prix , laddering , or in an FNM. GW may be an exception.

-Based on what I've seen last MCQ, it isn't as "Pro" heavy as one might expect. 10-30% of the field play the deck they like, ignorant to it's place in the developing metagame.
Therefore, I think a lot of the "bad decks" built to beat Simic food will be be cannibalized by the random decks in the field.

-Therefore, I want to play a variant of Simic Food that has a clear advantage in the mirror, while having game against the "best" deck built to beat it. In my opinion that deck is GW adventures.

-Mass manipulation and consistent Oko/Nissa draws are the best way to beat the mirror.
And having access to sweepers is the best way to beat GW (though they can still get under you a lot).

-I chose the white splash for a couple reasons. One , because it has a great sweeper in time wipe. The other, is I think 3 mana Teferri is good in this strategy. Teferi helps defend against another common angle of attack in counter spells and has splash value vs Wilderness reclamation.
Post board against the mirror, it's also great for shutting down Disdainful strokes/Veil of summers, which are the best way to combat Mass manipulation.

-I think people have forgotten just how good mass manipulation is vs creatures/planeswalkers, Golos was effectively immune to it so it disappeared from main decks. Veil/Disdfainful strokes made it much worse post board than it was prior to M20, which further lowered it's stock. In my opinion this is where my largest edge in the tournament is going to come from.

- I'm most afraid of Esper Doom foretold and a well built Temur Recalamation deck, focusing on beating food decks. They are great partially because they don't care at all about mass manipulation or Oko, which are the trump cards the deck is built around. Hopefully those don't come out in large numbers. From what I've seen on the ladder, I don't think they will.

Now all daddy needs is some sweet run good, and hopefully I'll see you in the next arena MC ;)


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