THB Standard Week 1: Testing Impressions
Introduction Whew, been a solid week of play testing and familiarizing myself with the new standard. It's been fun! First of all, wanted to give kudos to WOTC development for this set. Very deep, tons of options, lots of build arounds.. the cards are playing out as interesting as I expected from the spoiler.. Nothing is standing out as Oko egregious. The meta is still totally up in the air... However, a loose rock paper scissors dynamic has started to emerge. The three basic types of decks are 1) Synergistic agro decks looking to punish the ramp decks and their lack of interactions... Most mono color strategies fall under this category as well as GW enchantments or RB sac. They often play bad cards that work well with each other, or help break another excellent card. 2) Disruption decks, looking to prey on small creatures and decks looking to assemble a combination of particular cards to win. This is mostly dominated by various Esper, UB and Doom Foretold decks. 3) Gro...